Langho and Billington St Leonard's Church of England Primary School

  1. Our School
  2. School Policies

School Policies


The Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy can be found by selecting the above Safeguarding tab and  'Safeguarding and Keeping Children Safe in Education' from the drop down menu.

The Online Safety policy can be found by selecting the above Safeguarding tab and 'Online Safety' from the drop down menu.


Our Accessibility Plan and SEND policies can be found by selecting the 'Learning' tab and SEND from the drop down menu. 


 attendance-policy updated January 2024.pdfDownload
 Complaints_procedure_-_updated December 2023.pdfDownload
 Finance Policy School Charging and Remissions - Agreed February 2022.docx.pdfDownload
 First Aid Policy.docx.pdfDownload
 Health-and-safety-policy-2023-24 (2).docxDownload
 homework-policy-september-2022 (1).docxDownload
 Intimate Care Policy Sept 2023 Finaldocx.pdfDownload
 St Leonard's Medication Policy including administration form.docx.pdfDownload
Showing 1-9 of 9
 Equalities Statement 2023.pdfDownload
 Equalities-policy and Equality Objectives -2023-24.docxDownload
 Separation of Duties-Governing Board,Headteacher,Bursar.pdfDownload
 St Leonard's Behaviour Policy May 2024.docx.pdfDownload
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