Langho and Billington St Leonard's Church of England Primary School

  1. Learning
  2. Classes & Year Groups
  3. Year 1 and 2

Year 1 and 2

Welcome to our Year 1 and 2 page!

We are so glad that you are joining us in our learning adventure this year.

On this page you will find everything you need to know about what we have done and achieved, what we are currently doing and where our journey is taking us next.

We have three classes in Year 1 and 2 (also known as KS1).

Our classes are

Doves (Y1) whose class teacher is Mrs Pollard

Eagles (Y1&Y2) whose class teacher is Miss Kealey

Falcons (Y2) whose class teacher is Miss Duggan

During the mornings, we have an extra teacher (Miss Jones) in the phase to provide single year group teaching for Reading, Maths and Phonics/Spelling and Science. Learning is also supported by Teaching Assistants.




Key Information


Homework will normally be set on a Monday and will need to be completed by the next week, including spellings. Spellings will then be tested on the following Monday,



All pupils will fetch a reading book home and will be listened to by staff in school. Any opportunity to read to an adult at home will be valued and talking about the book will truly help engagement and key comprehension skills.



Labels are very important in every piece of clothing to enable us to distinguish any lost or found clothing. Please could you help us to help the pupils to keep all that belongs to them in this way.



KS1 KeyPE day is Tuesday.


We also have another class PE sessions of our own:


Eagles and Falcons - Monday

Doves - Wednesday


Dates for your diary

We have many exciting events taking place this year, so here are important events taking place in the Autumn Term (this will be updated if any new events occur):

Thursday 12th September - Welcome to Y1 & 2 Meeting

This is an opportunity to come and meet the Key Stage 1 team where you will discover more about your child's learning.


Thursday 10th October - Year 2 Learning Engagement Session at 3pm

This is a new and exciting initiative at St Leonard's. Come and enjoy sharing your child's learning journey with them.


Friday 11th October - Year 1 Learning Engagement Session at 3pm

This is a new and exciting initiative at St Leonard's. Come and enjoy sharing your child's learning journey with them.



Tuesday 26th November -Panto!

All of KS1 will be attending Jack and the Beanstalk at the Empire Theatre, Blackburn for the morning - oh yes we are!

Year Group Trips


We have planned great experiences for our year group that we are sure they will gain much from.



As mentioned above, all of KS1 will be attending Jack and the Beanstalk at the Empire Theatre, Blackburn for the morning.



We are excited to announce we will be having a fun filled day of science at Imagine That! Date to be confirmed.


This summer term KS1 will be adventuring around Blackpool Zoo and hopefully watching a sea lion show. Date to be confirmed.

Year 1 and 2 Class Timetables

Timetables are created for each half term and ensure that we provide the coverage and time allocation for each subject.

We adhere to these timetables unless there is an exciting reason not to such as a trip or visitor.



Year 1 & 2 Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overviews are written as a whole school to ensure that all pupils gain the breadth and depth of knowldgew which the National Curriculum requires.

Homework for the Week


Week 6

Year 1 Year 2
Homework Maths Book - Workout 6

GPS Book - Pages 10, 11, 12 and 13

Maths Book - Workout 5 and 6























Over half term we would love your child to write a story to enter the BBC 500 Words Competition.

A slip has been sent home with you child to explain how to complete this.

What have we been doing in class this week?

Friday 18th October 2024

What a super end to the half term we have had in Key Stage 1!

In English we have enjoyed writing our own version of "Troll Swap" using our neatest handwriting, with finger spaces and capital letters in the correct places. In our Computing lesson this week we thought about how we can have a healthy online diet by using IT in different ways - including physically, creatively and socially. In Art we started to explore tone and shading as we used different pencils to sketch 3D images of curled ribbon inspired by the work of Ed Rouchan. We continued to use teamwork in PE as we worked together to use our awareness of others to score points in simple team games, adding extra challenges along the way.

It has been a fabulous half term and we are all so proud of how hard everyone has worked.

We hope you have a wonderful break, ready for another super half term.


Friday 11th October 2024

The children in Key Stage 1 have continued to work hard this week and have been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to share their work during our learning engagement sessions.

Our RE learning this week explored Harvest festivals and why they are so important. This linked with our school collection for the Nightsafe charity. We thought carefully about foods that can be harvested and created wreaths using lots of Autumn colours. In History, we listened to Josie talk to us about shops in the 1950s and found out that sometimes meat was wrapped in paper and shops did not give you a carrier bag! In Art we continued to learn new skills as we used our rubbings from last week to create new designs using a method called 'frottage'. We used Max Ernst's work as inspiration as we ripped pieces and glued them together to form a new image. As part of Mental Health Awareness Day we explored emotions and enjoyed coming to school in clothes that make us feel happy.

It has been a busy week and we are all proud of your super effort. Well done Key Stage 1.


Friday 4th October 2024

It has been another super week in Key Stage 1 and it has been wonderful to see the children embracing their learning.

This week, we were excited to investigate a new visitor to our classrooms as we explored our new text, "Troll Swap". Timothy Limpet wrote us a letter and we enjoyed thinking of new vocabulary we could use to write a description of a troll. In History, we started to compare past and present shops by investigating what shops were like in the 1950s. We thought about how people paid for their shopping and considered how shopping habits have changed over time. Our computing this week also followed a shopping theme as we explored IT used in shops. We looked at bar codes on different products and then used role play to investigate how scanners use these codes to find a price. In PE, we continued to use awareness to compete in team games safely. We explored how we can use our senses to dodge and move around the room in a variety of ways without touching anyone else. 

Well done Key Stage 1, you have continued to work hard all week.


Friday 27th September 2024

We have continued working hard to be the best we can in Key Stage 1 this week, and have had lots of fun as we learn together.

In RE this week, we discovered how Jewish people celebrate harvest by building a special shelter called a sukkah and we thought carefully about ways in which we like to celebrate with our families. In English we continued to read "The Pirates Next Door" and we have used this to write letters, diary entries and recounts. To do this we have been trying hard to remember our letter formation and neatest handwriting. In History we investigated different shops in our local community and thought about which ones are most important to us. We then started to think about how shops have changed over time. In the woods this week, some of us collected natural objects and created woodland artwork and some of us searched for signs of Autumn.

It has been another busy week for Key Stage 1, well done everyone!


Friday 20th September 2024

What a busy week Key Stage 1 have enjoyed again! Lots of exciting learning has taken place this week.

In our English lessons we started to explore the book, 'The Pirates Next Door' by Jonny Duddle. It was lots of fun exploring the classroom looking for pirate clues as we listened to some swashbuckling music! Then we collected lots of exciting nouns and verbs to help us create sentences and write our own character description. On our visit to the woods this week, we discovered how to safely climb a tree and built our own shelters. Some of us also chose to create beautiful willow crowns and story sticks. Our History learning this week explored our local area as we started to think about the community in which we live. In PSHE this week we focused on the importance of friendship, and with some inspiration from 'Toy Story', we talked about the qualities that a good friend needs to have.

Well done everyone for another super week of learning!


Friday 13th September 2024

We have enjoyed another fun-filled week of learning in Key Stage 1 and all the children are starting to remember our new routines.

We have continued to explore different groups of words in our English lessons and are getting more confident when identifying common and proper nouns. We have also started to learn about verbs and how to use them in a sentence. In RE we looked at different artwork and photographs to explore how people harvest food in a variety of ways and we thought carefully about why machinery is used today. Our History lesson this week involved thinking about our own timeline and how we have changed since we were born, including looking at how our toys have changed. We all enjoyed our first visit to the woods with Miss Cross, some of us helped create a shelter and lots of us enjoyed exploring the stream!

It has been another busy week, well done Key Stage 1!


Friday 6th September 2024

It has been wonderful to welcome the children back to school this week and everyone has  looked so smart in their uniforms! We have focused on learning our new class routines and getting used to our new timetables.

It has been a busy week of learning in Key Stage 1. Our English lessons this week have focused on learning the names of Common Nouns and sorting them into places, people and things. We enjoyed labelling different objects in our classrooms. In PE we enjoyed our lesson with our Key PE coach and explored lots of different ways that we can use our bodies to move safely around the room. In RE we began our topic on Harvest and started to think about where our food comes from. We tasted different apples from around the world to see if they were all the same. They were delicious! In History, we explored chronology and used timelines to put images of life cycles in time order.

Well done everyone, you have settled into your new class and worked hard this week!