Year 6
Welcome to our Year 6 page!
We are so glad that you are joining us in our learning adventure this year.
On this page you will find everything you need to know about what we have done and achieved, what we are currently doing and where our journey is taking us next.
Year 6 are taught together in Wrens by Mrs Cronshaw, supported by Mrs Esson.
Key Information
Homework will normally be set on a Friday and will be expected to be returned by the following Wednesday.
Spellings will be given on a Monday and taught throughout the week, with a test on the following Monday.
We are very enthusiastic about reading at St Leonard's and we encourage the children to read in school as well as at home. We are lucky to have a wide selection of exciting and engaging children's literature in our classroom and there are books for everyone. Children will be also be able to access our school library to select a book for their reading pleasure.
As well as becoming fluent readers, it is important that children's comprehension and understanding of texts is developed too - it would be wonderful if children could share their books at home and discuss what they are reading with parents and carers.
There will inevitably be times when children mislay an item of uniform - it is much easier to reunite uniform with the rightful owner if everything is named. Please ensure that all clothing and shoes are labelled to avoid items becoming lost.
In Autumn 1, Wren's PE days are on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Children should come to school dressed in their PE kit.
Dates for your diary
We have many exciting events taking place this year, so here are important events taking place in the Autumn Term (this will be updated if any new events occur):
Thursday 5th September - Welcome to Y6 Meeting
This will be at 3.30pm in Wrens classroom and will give parents and carers to meet the teachers as well as find out what to expect during the year ahead. There will be opportunities to ask any questions that you may have.
Monday 3rd October - Learning Engagement Session at 3pm
This will be at 3.00pm in Wrens classroom and will give parents and carers the opportunity to celebrate children's learning with them and find out what they have been learning in the term so far.
Friday 13th September - Wrens Led Worship
Wrens will be leading worship in church at 9.00am on Friday 13th of September - all parents and carers are welcome to join us.
Thursday 28th November - Panto!
All of KS2 will be attending Jack and the Beanstalk at the Empire Theatre Blackburn for the morning - oh yes we are!
Year Group Trips
We have planned great experiences for our year group that we are sure they will gain much from.
As mentioned above, all of KS2 will be attending Jack and the Beanstalk at the Empire Theatre Blackburn for the morning.
Thursday 17th October
To support our learning in History on World War II, Year 6 will be visiting the Manchester Jewish Museum and the Manchester Imperial War Museum. We will be sending a letter home with all details shortly.
Friday 13th December
Year 6 and the school choir will have the fabulous experience of singing carols as they lead the lunchtime carol service at Blackburn Cathedral. All parents and carers are warmly invited to support the children - details to be confirmed nearer the time.
Year 6 will be singing at the Young Voices concer at the Co-op Live Arena in Manchester on the 7th of February - details to be confirmed shortly.
June 30th - July 2nd
We will be off on our residential trip ! Letters have been sent home with payment details - please ket us know if you need another letter.
Class Timetable
Timetables are created for each half term and ensure that we provide the coverage and time allocation for each subject.
We adhere to these timetables unless there is an exciting reason not to such as a trip or visitor.
Year 6 Curriculum Overview
Curriculum Overviews are written as a whole school to ensure that all pupils gain the breadth and depth of knowldgew which the National Curriculum requires.
Homework for the Week
Week 1
GPS Book - Pages 4 and 5 (nouns and adjectives)
Maths Book - Pages 2 and 3 (Autumn workout 1)
Spellings -
What have we been doing in class this week?
It has been lovely to see the children start the new school year with lots of enthusiasm and energy this week.
In Writing, we have been focussing on nouns and the children also completed a task based on our new class novel - The Explorers. In Maths, the children began the week with place value of numbers up to a million and then finished the week with polygons. In History, we have begun our World War 2 unit of work, specifically learning about the circumstances leading up to the start of World War 2. The children enjoyed their Art lesson, and analysed a still life painting. In RE, we though about life as a journey and the things that we might need to help us. The week was rounded off with PE in the sunshine ! Well done to our new Year 6 - what a great start to the year !