Langho and Billington St Leonard's Church of England Primary School

  1. Learning
  2. Our Curriculum at St Leonard's
  3. Early Years
  4. EYFS Induction Programme & Parent Information

EYFS Induction Programme and Useful Information


Induction and Parental involvement when starting Nursery

We provide a tailored approach when starting Little Lennie’s.

Stage 1: Parent’s Tour of the Setting

This is an opportunity to find out more about us, our ethos and pedagogy, meet staff and ask questions. We find out about your child, any individual needs and how Little Lennie’s can best help support these very early stages of development.

Stage 2: Arranging a Start Date / Attending Sessions

This is dependent upon place availability. Our office staff are available to provide help and guidance on the relevant forms for places. A waiting list is in place if places become over-subscribed.

Stage 3: Regular contact with Nursery staff

Using the key worker roles, staff maintain close contact during the settling in period.

Stage 4: Useful information and Testimonials

Parents/carers are signposted to our school website for further information.


Induction and Parental involvement when starting school

We produce a carefully planned induction programme for our families which is reviewed each year. 

Stage 1: Parent's Induction Meeting

We welcome parents/carers to attend our parent's induction meeting.

Stage 2: A tour of our Setting for you and your child

Children and their families are contacted to come and visit us at school. Induction packs and a gift for every child are provided here.

Stage 3: Transition discussions with pre-school settings

We make contact with every child's current pre-school setting(s) and liaise with key workers to ensure a detailed transition to school conversation takes place, so we can understand specifically everything we need to know for September.

Stage 4: Individual contact with families

Parents/carers have the opportunity to ask any questions or make individual appointments prior to September, should the need arise.

Stage 5: Useful information and Testimonials

Parents/carers are signposted to our school website for further information.



Getting Ready for School

The links below contains some fantastic information, including top tips for school starters, games, managing anxiety advice and helpful hints about how to talk to your child about their new school. We hope that you find these useful. The first link is from the CBeebies website, the second from BBC Bitesize and the third from Lancashire County Council.


Useful Websites...